If you work in the anti-financial crime and risk space, then you have probably had to make the hard decision of picking the right tool for the job.
The problem? Everyone claims to be the best at what they do!
From relational databases, graphs to analytical platforms, it can be a long strenuous process to pick the right tool that works best for you and your organisations needs.
Today, the Linked Data Benchmark Council (LDBC) announced the FinBench (Financial Benchmark) task force which aims to define a new benchmark suite. Solely focusing on the financial workloads such as anti-fraud and risk control.
Compared to LDBC Social Network Benchmark (which proved hugely successfully), the FinBench will focus on developing a benchmark tailored to the financial sector for, e.g., Financial Risk and Crime workloads, their data patterns and latency bounds.
The FinBench Task Force is led by the Ant Group, and joined by Pometry, amongst others, in a joint effort to standardise the benchmarking process of graph systems in the financial sector. And aid organisations in picking the right tool for the job.
You can read more about the FinBench effort at https://ldbcouncil.org/post/announcing-the-ldbc-financial-benchmark-task-force/